The world around me…
10:20a.m, Kanjurmarg station: A fisherwoman steps out of the local with her basket. As she walks by, the basket slightly tips over and a few drops of fish stench spill on the neighboring lady commuters. And lo! A scene of hot, wild exchange of abuses follows. A few commuters stop dead in their tracks to absorb the entertainment from it, further irritating other fellow commuters who push them out of their way.
I walk away, starring.
7:15 p.m, office: During a social debate, opinions are tossed like a ping-pong ball across colleagues. Some say more, others while away, glaring at their lcd screens with blank expressions on their faces. Disgust, pride, anger, humour. A pot pourri of emotions is being stirred. Shallow words emit by. I sit there, starring.
8.15p.m, C.S.T. local: A noisy gang of workers accidently get aboard the first class ladies compartment. As they realize their mistake, they panic even more and look around frantically, exclaiming in their local language. Men in my compartment look at them with plain disgust and indifference. One kind gentleman gets up and addresses the scared group to get down at the next station, and enter the adjacent second class compartment.
I sit there, starring.
8.45p.m, Grant Road station: People turn back home. A few men animatedly make a jovial conversation with their pals, laughing away. Elder women hurry their way up the stairs, thinking of dinner, children, and husband. Young girls are glued on their cell phones, pouring their lives out in wireless beams. Street sellers try to make a few bucks before the day calls in.
I walk by, starring.
Just another ordinary day, as I stare by it. Full of differences.
