
Silence. It had lately taken a substantial priority in her life. At times, everything seemed out of order; her very purpose lost somewhere in the mindless miles she traveled daily for work. It was hard to believe. But it happened; the thing she had feared the most was now a truth in her life. They had broken up.

Hope; she had learned painfully, was a bad companion to keep in such times. She would keep going back to her world, and with every sweet memoir she lingered towards her phone, expecting a call or a special sms. None came.

At times, hope would subside, only to give way for anger. She would open her email account and continue scribbling fresh lines of astonishment and anger ... to an already long mail. How could he do this to her? Did he realise how terribly hard it was for her to come in terms with this new un-pleasant reality? It was a nasty jolt, and she felt it was an un-necessary decision. But the mail would just remain in her draft; without a receiver, without a subject.  

Music, she had discovered lately, was a better companion. Sometimes, she would pop in the headphones and play her list of heart breaking, lonely tracks. Loneliness gave her mind that solace, that comfort. Seldom did anyone notice the tiny beads of tears in her eyes, everyone had lives of their own to settle. And she had her own aloofness; her songs that made her numb. She liked it, the numbness...


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