An interesting possibility lies in ...
That's right. Integration.
And i'm talking about social media here. Not some engineering mathematics question paper.
We have over the past few years witnessed a large number of social media sites come up. Some offer you to express your professional self (linkedIn), while others are too popular and most of us are addicted to them.
As we go about, discovering and exploring these sites, there are few of them which take up our notice, seem promising enough and ensure a second visit. And there are many more which just fade away, never to return.
What happens to these loose end of strings that we throw away in the zillions of gigabytes spewed over the internet? Nothing, they just rot away their bytes. But what if we could build a special crawler? Something of the kind they show in those sci-fi movies, except that it could be for real and probably, free. (I'd like it to be). A crawler that could traverse the entire internet, search for your profiles and personal data, and neatly integrate it into one profile? Could you imagine how it would look? It could identify and neglect the repetitive elements, but you could even discover stuff that you did maybe ten years down the line, and forgotten all about. Maybe an interesting white paper on something, maybe a robotic arm. Maybe a painting. It could just help trigger that little creative fella within you once again, and take your life to a whole new possibility. A few months down the line, you could end up thanking that moment - thank god I saw my own work of the past, that gave me the confidence to build this!
Perhaps, such profiles could even integrate with some of the government's initiatives to provide a unique identification and create even more elaborate "adhaars"? The government could actually look it up to find citizens with specific skill-sets or knowledge, and help could just be a couple of clicks away?
Endless possibilities? Perhaps. We are moving towards an interesting future, that's for ʃure.
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