The usual rattle of the Virar fast was clanking in my ears as it made it's way through the bright morning. I was totally engrossed in Seth Godin's "The Dip". A wonderful piece of inspiration, a wonderful way to start a weekday. My train was zipping by Mahim station clocking at 80 km/hr when suddenly, Screeeech!!!!! It halted in a mere span of ten seconds. A pang of fear crossed in my mind. I looked outside. Another train on the adjacent slow track had also halted. People were hanging out of the doors, trying to get a glimpse. After a few seconds, the adjacent slow train started chugging slowly, her passengers still peeping above each other's shoulders. One man graphically lifted his head and slid his finger across his neck. I got up and went to the door to get a glimpse. People were standing all along the platform, starring at the wheels. A fleet of crows started circling around. Disgusted and weak, I went back to my seat. I slid Godin back into my bag, all that dose of optimism had just sapped out of me. I looked around, only to find my comrades of the first class continuing with their whatsapp and Temple run.
Stumbled here by chance. Amazing blog. Hope to read more of it. Do update!